Concierges encounter several challenges when trying to secure prime-time restaurant reservations for their clients:
Limited Access
Prime-time slots at top restaurants are often unavailable, making it difficult to meet client expectations.
Favor-Dependent Bookings
Concierges are frequently forced to rely on personal connections or favors to secure reservations.
Lack of Recognition
Concierges must often battle the same difficulties in booking experiences for high value clients as the customers do themselves, leading to frustration and significant time waste.
Time-Consuming Process
Searching for available slots and coordinating reservations can take up valuable time.
Access exclusive prime-time restaurant reservations and be rewarded and recognized for utilizing PRIMA to book reservations.
Access Exclusive Reservations
Book at in-demand restaurants not available through traditional channels.
PRIMA both rewards and highlights the value of concierge bookings at all of our participating venue partners.
Streamlined Process
Benefit from an efficient platform that manages reservations seamlessly.
Effortlessly book exclusive, prime-time reservations for your clients. Earn commissions while providing unparalleled dining experiences through the PRIMA network.
Book Reservation
Concierges use the PRIMA Hub to book prime-time reservations for a fee. Non-prime slots are booked without fees.
Restaurant Notification
Once a reservation is successfully booked through PRIMA, we will notify the restaurant and ensure the diner is granted access in a seamless way.
Live Analytics
Concierges may track and modify all of reservations in real time with full transparency and peace of mind.
As a PRIMA Concierge, you are able to invite other hospitality professionals to our network. As more concierges join, we will be able to offer greater value to all of our venue partners and in turn benefit all of our participating concierges. You are part of our team!
Unlock exclusive access to prime-time reservations at the top venues throughout the world and start enjoying the benefits of a streamlined booking process!